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Finishers: Supplemental Trainer

*Home or gym

Finishers are designed to “finish you off” at the end of your training session, by either burning out a targeted muscle/group of muscles, OR giving you that blast of cardio that gets your heart rate up & leaves you feeling sweaty and out of breath!

Finishers are quick, effective, and bring the heat.

The finishers in this supplemental trainer can be done in any order, in any combination, and/or added to the end of any training session.

I have split them up into three categories to help you find exactly what you need, when you need it.

*30 conditioning workouts designed to give you a ‘metabolic hit’ and challenge your athleticism
**Make any of these workouts a full conditioning day by increasing #of rounds for time, duration of EMOM/AMRAP, combining, or modifying to fit your fitness level.

15 upper body muscle specific or muscle group isolated burnouts

15 lower body muscle specific or muscle group isolated burnouts

I do not provide refunds for services. As with any exercise program, there may be certain risks to your health and safety. Regardless of your fitness level, please understand that you may become injured doing exercises, especially if done with incorrect form, and if you participate in the exercises, you are doing so at your own free will. Generally speaking, you should consult your doctor before beginning any nutritional or exercise program. It has been made clear that Kelsey Mead/Kelsey Mead Fit is not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using any services provided. I am an NASM Certified Personal Trainer & Fitness Nutrition Specialist, however, I am NOT a medical doctor or nutritionist. In addition, no part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the prior written permission of the author/publishers.